Andrei Ionuț APOPEI
I'm Geologist
About Me
My name is Andrei Ionuț APOPEI, I’m 37 years old, and as my website suggests, I’m a geologist. What I love about #Geology is that it helps us find the "truth about Earth" and offers a constant feeling of discovery; looking at the simplest mineral on a molecular level is like describing a whole new world.
Why Geology?
My interests in #Geology and informational techniques, applied to a wide range of problems in the field of geoscience, had finally been refined enough that I knew that one or two major topics are not enough for me. Currently, Mineralogy, Geoinformatics, and Raman spectroscopy are the scientific fields that best fit my interests.
These domains share a strong link, allowing people to understand Earth’s evolution and for me, to share my knowledge and practical work to others (especially for my students).
- Location: Iași, Romania
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- h-index: 10
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." – from The Shawshank Redemption
Driven by curiosity and creativity, I focus on building impactful projects across diverse domains. Take a look at the skills I've honed along the way.
I earned a BS in Geochemistry (2009) and a PhD in the Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits (2014) from the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Geology and serve as the senior curator of the "Grigore Cobălcescu" Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography at the Faculty of Geography and Geology. My work in mineralogy, vibrational spectroscopy, ore geology, cultural heritage, and geoinformatics has led to 29 publications.
My current research interests focus on Raman spectroscopy in mineral science, ore deposit studies, and the application of 3D technologies and machine learning in geoscience.
ERASMUS+ teaching staff mobility
University of Huelva, Spain
POSDRU scholarship
Matej Bel University, Slovakia
PhD in Geology
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Romania
Erasmus scholarship
2010-2011 (first semester)
Ghent University, Belgium
MSc in Environmental Geochemistry
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Romania
BSc in Geochemistry
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Romania
Academic Positions
Associate Professor PhD
2017 - Present
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Iași, RO
- Crystallography
- Systematic Mineralogy
- Igneous Petrology
- Professional Software
Lecturer PhD
2015 - 2017
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Iași, RO
Teaching Assistant
2011 - 2015
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, Iași, RO
Below, you can explore a selection of my research papers, showcasing my contributions to the fields of Mineralogy, Geoinformatics, Raman Spectroscopy, and Cultural Heritage.
- Apopei, A.I. (2024) - Towards Mineralogy 4.0? Atlas of 3D Rocks and Minerals: Digitally Archiving Interactive and Immersive 3D Data for Rocks and Minerals. Minerals 2024, 14(12), 1196. DOI: 10.3390/min14121196 2024
- Ilieș, D.C., Apopei, A.I., Mircea, C., Ilieș, A., Caciora, T., Zharas, B., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Hodor, N., Turza, A., Pereș, A.C. and Hassan, T.H. (2024) - Investigating the Role of Microclimate and Microorganisms in the Deterioration of Stone Heritage: The Case of Rupestrian Church from Jac, Romania. Applied Sciences, 14(18), p.8136. DOI: 10.3390/app14188136 2024
- Ilieș, D.C., Apopei, A.I., Ilieș, A., Caciora, T., Zharas, B., Hodor, N., Turza, A., Hassan, T.H., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Pereș, A.C. and Ratiu, M. (2024) - Preserving Cultural Heritage: Enhancing Limestone Durability with Nano-TiO2 Coating. Heritage, 7(9), pp.4914-4932. DOI: 10.3390/heritage7090232 2024
- Damian G., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A., Maftei A. E., Damian F. (2023) - New Mineral Occurrences in Massive Sulfide Deposits from Mănăilă, Eastern Carpathians, Romania. Minerals, Volume 13(1), 111. DOI: 10.3390/min13010111 2023
- Dincă G., Apopei A. I., Szabo R., Maftei A. E. (2022) - The Effect of Mn Substitution on Natural Sphalerites by Means of Raman Spectroscopy: A Case Study of the Săcărâmb Au–Ag–Te Ore Deposit, Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Minerals, Volume 12(7), 885. DOI: 10.3390/min12070885 2022
- Damian G., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Damian F., Maftei A. E. (2021) - Hydrothermal Sphalerites from Ore Deposits of Baia Mare Area. Minerals, Volume 11. DOI: 10.3390/min11121323 2021
- Apopei A. I., Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Maftei A. E., Apostoae L. (2021) - Digital 3D models of Minerals and Rocks in a nutshell: Enhancing scientific, learning, and cultural heritage environments in Geosciences by using cross-polarized light photogrammetry. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 237-249. DOI: 10.26471/cjees/2021/016/170 2021
- Maftei A.E., Buzatu A., Damian G., Buzgar N., Dill, H. G., Apopei A. I. (2021) - Micro-Raman — a tool for the heavy mineral analysis of gold placer-type deposits (Pianu Valley, Romania). Minerals, Volume 10, Issue 11, Pages 1-17. DOI: 10.3390/min10110988 2020
- Damian G., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Szakács Z. L., Denuț I., Iepure G., Bârgăoanu D. (2020) - Valentinite and colloform sphalerite in epithermal deposits from Baia Mare area, eastern Carpathians. Minerals, Volume 10, Issue 2. DOI: 10.3390/min10020121 2020
- Maftei A. E., Buzatu A., Buzgar N., Apopei A. I. (2019) - Spatial distribution of minor elements in the Tazlău river sediments: Source identification and evaluation of ecological risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 16, Issue 23. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16234664 2019
- Apopei A.I., Buzatu A. (2019) - Raman Data Search and Storage (RDSS): a Java-based program for displaying and examining Raman spectra. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 65-66, Issue 1-2, Pages 5-18 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2019
- Maftei A. E., Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I. (2019) - Distribution and minor elements contamination in urban and peri-uban soils area of Slănic Moldova, Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, August 2019, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 335-342. DOI: 10.26471/cjees/2019/014/084 2019
- Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Andráš P., Milovska S. (2017) - The determination of the Sb/As content in natural tetrahedrite–tennantite and bournonite–seligmannite solid solution series by Raman spectroscopy. Mineralogical Magazine, December 2017, Volume 81, Issue 6, Pages 1439-1456. DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2017.081.008 2017
- Buzatu A., Damian G., Buzgar N., Andráš P., Apopei A. I., Maftei A. E., Milovska S. (2017) - Structural key features of bismuth and Sb-As sulfosalts from hydrothermal deposits − micro-Raman spectrometry. Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 89, March 2017, Pages 49–56. DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2017.01.002 2017
- Buzatu A., Dill H. G., Buzgar N., Damian G., Maftei A. E., Apopei A. I. (2016) - Efflorescent sulfates from Baia Sprie mining area (Romania) - Acid mine drainage and climatological approach. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 542, Part A, January 2016, Pages 629-641. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.139 2016
- Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N., Buzatu A. (2016) - Mineralogy and geochemistry of Pb–Sb/As-sulfosalts from Coranda-Hondol ore deposit (Romania) — Conditions of telluride deposition. Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 72, Part 1, January 2016, Pages 857–873. DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2015.09.014 2016
- Buzatu A., Damian G., Dill H. G., Buzgar N., Apopei A. I. (2015) - Mineralogy and geochemistry of sulfosalts from Baia Sprie ore deposit (Romania) – New bismuth minerals occurrence. Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 65, Part 1, March 2015, Pages 132–147. DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.09.016 2015
- Apopei A. I., Buzgar N., Damian G., Buzatu A. (2014) - The Raman study of weathering minerals from Coranda-Hondol open pit (Certej gold-silver deposit) and their photochemical degradation products under laser irradiation. Canadian Mineralogist, Volume 52, Issue 6, Pages 1027-1038. DOI: 10.3749/canmin.1300054 2014
- Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N., Milovska S., Buzatu A. (2014) - New occurences of hessite, petzite and stützite at Coranda-Hondol open pit (Certej gold-silver deposit, Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 71-78. 2014
- Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Cotiugă V. (2014) - In-situ Raman spectroscopy at the Voronet Monastery (16th century, Romania): New results for green and blue pigments. Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 72, May 2014, Pages 142-148. DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2014.03.008 2014
- Buzatu N., Buzgar N., Damian G., Vasilache V., Apopei A. I. (2013) - The determination of the Fe content in natural sphalerites by means of Raman spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, Volume 68, September 2013, Pages 220–224. DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2013.08.007 2013
- Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Buzatu A. (2013) - Characterization and source of Cucuteni black pigment (Romania): vibrational spectrometry and XRD study. Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 40, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 2128–2135. DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.12.034 2013
- Buzgar N., Apopei A. I., Diaconu V., Buzatu A. - The composition and source of the raw material of two stone axes of Late Bronze Age from Neamț County (Romania) - A Raman study. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 59, Issue 1, Pages 5-22 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2013
- Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N. - A preliminary Raman and FT-IR spectroscopic study of secondary hydrated sulfate minerals from the Hondol open pit (Metaliferi Mts., ROMANIA). Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits, Volume 85, Issue 2, Pages 1-6. 2012
- Buzgar N., Buzatu A., Apopei A. I., Aștefanei D., Topoleanu F. - Raman study of the brownish-yellow pigment from a Roman Basilica (Dobrogea, Romania – 4th – 6th century A.D.). Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pages 15-18 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2011
- Apopei A. I., Buzgar N., Buzatu A. - Raman and infrared spectroscopy of kaersutite and certain common amphiboles. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 57, Issue 2, Pages 35-58 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2011
- Buzgar N., Bodi G., Buzatu A., Apopei A.I., Aștefanei D. - Raman and XRD studies of black pigment from Cucuteni ceramics. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 95-108 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2010
- Apopei A.I., Buzgar N. - The Raman study of amphiboles. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 56, Issue 1, Pages 107-125 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2010
- Buzgar N., Apopei A.I. - The Raman study of certain carbonates. Analele Ştiințifice ale Universității “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, seria Geologie, Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 98-112 (ISSN 1223-5342, category B+). 2009
Outside my </working hours>, I dedicate my free time to: software and game development, web design, photography (especially micro- and macro-), video editing and some electronics.
- All
- Mobile Apps
- Software
- 3D & AR technologies
- Website
- 3D Print
- Short Film & Animation