Home / Iași SPE Student Chapter / Study trip at the Complex Reservation “Repedea Hills” (25th May 2016)

Study trip at the Complex Reservation “Repedea Hills” (25th May 2016)

Location: ”Repedea Hills” Complex Reservation, Iași;

Date: 25th May 2016;

Overall purpose: Learning about the geological history of the area;

Specific purpose: Learning and understanding the occurrence of the specific fossils in the sedimentary series encountered, deducting the actual sequence of processes that lead to the present context, observing structural elements such as faults, folds, unconformitites etc.;

Coordinating Professors: Ciprian Chelariu;

Participating Students: Andrei Balan, Daniela Bujor, Andrei Comanac, Flavian Grădinaru, Alex Hariga, Alexandra Iosob, Sergiu Loghin, Ciprian Munteanu, Viorel Neacșu, Ana – Maria Panaite, Theodor Răucescu, Daniel Tanasă, Marian Turea, Nicoleta Țuțui.

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