The 2nd study trip at the Sărata – Monteoru oil mine (3rd November 2016)
Location: Sărata Monteoru, Buzău County; Date: 3rd November 2016; Overall Purpose: Learning about the history Citește tot…
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Location: Sărata Monteoru, Buzău County; Date: 3rd November 2016; Overall Purpose: Learning about the history Citește tot…
PROGRAM Sâmbătă, 29 octombrie 2016 Amfiteatrul “Grigore Cobălcescu” (B6) 09:00 – 09:15 DESCHIDEREA SIMPOZIONULUI Citește tot…
Location: The “Piatra Craiului” Mountains, south-western Oriental Carpathians, Brașov County; Date: 20 – 23 October Citește tot…
Location: The Palace of Culture’s Gardens, Iași; Date: 30th of September 2016; Overall purpose: Promoting Citește tot…
Location: ”Repedea Hills” Complex Reservation, Iași; Date: 25th May 2016; Overall purpose: Learning about the Citește tot…
Location: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Department of Geology; Date: 20 April 2016; Overall Citește tot…