The 2nd study trip at the Sărata – Monteoru oil mine (3rd November 2016)
Location: Sărata Monteoru, Buzău County;
Date: 3rd November 2016;
Overall Purpose: Learning about the history of oil in Romania and the processes it goes through from the point of identificating the reservoir until the phase of production;
Specific Purpose: Learning about the unique manner of extraction, the specific mining infrastructure that it requires and the processes involved in this type of exploitation;
Coordinating Proffesors: Ciprian Chelariu, Anca Seserman;
Participating Students: Robert Asmarandei, Daniel Badea, Daniela Bujor, Elena Bujor, Cristi Mertic, Ciprian Munteanu, Silvia Mare, Iulian Sandache, Marian Turea, Nicoleta Țuțui.