Home / Iași SPE Student Chapter / ”The history of oil in Romania” Conference held by prof. univ. dr. Mihai Șaramet (20 April 2016)

”The history of oil in Romania” Conference held by prof. univ. dr. Mihai Șaramet (20 April 2016)

Location: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Department of Geology;

Date: 20  April 2016;

Overall Purpose: Learning about the history of oil worldwide, including its discovery, ancient uses, modern uses, its evolution and crisis;

Specific Purpose: Learning about the rudimentary methods of exploiting that were first used in Romania and how they improved over time, the most important steps Romania took in order to fit in the European industrial context and what lead to the current crisis of oil;

Coordinating Proffesors: Mihai Șaramet, Ciprian Chelariu;

Participating Students: Bachelors’ Degree and Masters’ Degree students.

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