Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Faculty of Geography and Geology
Department of Geology 

Published Books
[1] Ţabără D. 2008. The palynology of the Middle and Upper Sarmatian from Moldavian Platform. Editura Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, 319 p. + 23 pl., ISBN 978-973-703-351-2. (In Romanian). LINK  
[2] Olaru L., Ionesi V., Ţabără D. 2008. Physical Geology (second edition). Editura Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, 468 p., ISBN 978-973-703-298-0. LINK
[3] Olaru L., Ionesi V., Ţabără D. 2004. Physical Geology. Editura Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, 468 p.

Edited volumes of specialty
[1] Ninth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology (2013), Abstract book; Edited by: Tabără Daniel; Editura Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, 101 p., ISSN 2344-3499 LINK
[2] Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. VI (2008), Edited by Daniel Ţabără si Leonard Olaru, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaşi, Editura Universităţii "Al. I. Cuza" Iaşi, ISSN 1842-371X. LINK  
[3] Romanian Symposium on Paleontology (the Sixth Edition, 2007), abstracts volume; Edited by: Paul Ţibuleac, Daniel Ţabără, Leonard Olaru. Editura Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, 51 p. LINK

Publications in peer-reviewed journals with impact factor (ISI)
[1] Albert, G., Budai, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., Makadi, L., Ţabără D., Arvai, V., Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Ducea, M.N., Botfalvai, G. 2025. Age and palaeoenvironmental constraints on the earliest dinosaur-bearing strata of the Densus-Ciula Formation (Hateg Basin, Romania): evidence of their late Campanian-early Maastrichtian syntectonic deposition.
Cretaceous Research 170, 106095. LINK
[2] Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Kovecsi S.A., Vremir M., Ducea M., Csiki-Sava Z., Ţabără D., Vasile S. 2024. Integrated biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits from an exceptional continental vertebrate-bearing marine section (Transylvanian Basin, Romania) provides new constraints on the advent of ' dwarf dinosaur ' faunas in Eastern Europe. Marine Micropaleontology 187,102328. LINK
[3] Ţabără D., Slimani H., Chelariu C., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Bălc R., Csiki-Sava Z.,  Fabianska J. M., Misz-Kennan M., Chelariu M. 2023. Five million years of life history record in an uppermost Cretaceous northern Tethyan marine succession, Eastern Carpathians (Romania): Microfossil content and palaeoenvironmental assessment. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 313, 104878. LINK
[4] Talih, A., Ţabără, D. , Slimani, H., Saadi, M., Benmlih, A., Aboutofail, S. 2022. Integrated palynology and sedimentology of the Mississippian of the Tisdafine Basin (Eastern Anti - Atlas, Morocco). Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 141, 14. LINK 
[5] Ţabără, D. , Vasile, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., Balc, R., Vremir, M., Chelariu, M. 2022. Palynological and organic geochemical analyses of the Upper Cretaceous Bozes Formation at Petresti (southwestern Transylvanian Basin) - biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications. Cretaceous Research, 134, 105148. LINK
[6] Botfalvai G., Csiki-Sava Z., Kocsis L., Albert G., Magyar J., Bodor E.R., Ţabără, D., Ulyanov A., Makadi L. 2021. 'X' marks the spot! Sedimentological, geochemical and palaeontological investigations of Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) vertebrate fossil localities from the Valioara valley (Densus - Ciula Formation, Hateg Basin, Romania). Cretaceous Research 123, 104781 LINK
[7] Slimani, H., Benam, V.M., Ţabără, D., Aassoumi, H., Jbari, H., Chekar, M., Mahboub, I., M'Hamdi A. 2021. Distribution of Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and palynofacies in the Upper Cretaceous deposits from the neritic Bou Lila section, External Rif (northwestern Morocco): Implications for the age, biostratigraphic correlations and paleoenviromental reconstructions. Marine Micropaleontology 162, 101951. LINK  
[8] Ţabără, D., Tudor, E., Chelariu, C., Olaru-Florea, R.F., 2021. Paleoenvironmental interpretation and palynoflora of Devonian - Carboniferous subsurface sections from the eastern part of the Moesian Platform (Romania). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 284, 104338.
[9] Filipescu, S., Tamas, D.M., Bercea, R.-I., Tamas, A., Balc, R., Ţabără, D., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Silye, L., Auer, A., Krezsek, C., Schleder, Z., Sasaran, E., 2020. Biostratigraphic re-evaluation of the lower to middle Miocene succession in the Eastern Carpathians: a case study related to the oil fields of the Diapir Fold Zone, Romania. Geological Quarterly, 64 (3): 783-802. LINK
[10] Ţabără, D., Slimani, H. 2019. Palynological and palynofacies analyses of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Hateg Basin, southern Carpathians, Romania. Cretaceous Research 104, LINK
[11] Ţabără, D., Slimani, H., Mare, S., Chira, C.M., 2017. Integrated biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene succession in the northern Moldavidian Domain (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Cretaceous Research 77, 102-123. LINK
[12] Ţabără, D., Slimani, H., 2017. Dinoflagellate cysts and palynofacies across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval of the Vrancea Nappe (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Geological Quarterly, 61 (1), p. 39 - 52 LINK
[13] Ţabără D. , Pacton M., Makou M., Chirilă G., 2015. Palynofacies and geochemical analysis of Oligo-Miocene bituminous rocks from the Moldavidian Domain (Eastern Carpathians, Romania): Implications for petroleum exploration. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 216, p. 101-122. LINK
[14] Ţabără D. , 2014. Palynology, palynofacies and organic geochemistry on the Lower Cretaceous succession (Audia Formation) from Eastern Carpathians, Romania. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 83 - 91
[15] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2012. Palaeoclimatic estimation from Miocene of Romania, based on palynological data. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, p.195 - 208. IF 1,49  LINK

Publications in peer-reviewed journals
[1] Ţabără D., Csiki-Sava Z., 2024. Palynostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental investigations of the Maastrichtian from Oarda de Jos (southwestern Transylvanian Basin). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. 20 (1), p. 87 - 107
[2] Ţabără D., 2017. Dinoflagellate cysts stratigraphy and palynofacies of Oligocene sequences in the northern Eastern Carpathians. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, v. 13(1), p. 49 - 63. 
[3] Adumitroaei M.V., Iancu G.O., Ţabără D., Dobromir M., 2016. Geochemical aspects of the Mohoş peatland from Harghita Mountains. Rom. J. Mineral Deposits, vol. 89, nr. 1-2, p. 85-88.
[4] Anastasiu N., Brânzilă M., Seghedi A., Ţabără D., 2015. Shale Gas Potential of the Romanian Platform Units. Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 17(2), p. 179-189. LINK
[5] Ţabără D., 2014. The palynology and palynofacies of the Miocene deposits from the Subcarpathian Nappe (Ciritei Quarry, Eastern Carpathians). Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi, Seria Geologie 60 (1), 5-17. LINK
[6] Ţabără D., Popescu L., 2012. Palynology and palynofacies of Gura Şoimului Formation from Bistriţa-Râşca Half-window (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 8 (1-2): 23 - 31. LINK
[7] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., 2012. The evolution of the Sarmatian palaeoclimate in North-Eastern Romania: A palaeobotanical approach. AUI Geologie, 58 (1): 5-21. LINK
[8] Ţabără D., Sava G. M. 2011. Paleobotanical remains from the Late Sarmatian and Maeotian age of northern Scythian Platform. AUI Geologie, 57 (2): 19-34. LINK
[9] Olaru L., Ţabără D. 2011. Lithological and Palynostratigraphical correlations between Silurian Deposits from the Dnestr Basin (Podolia) and the North of the Moldavian Platform (Romania). AUI Geologie, 57 (1): 29-47.
[10] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., 2011. Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation for the Sarmatian deposits of Şupanu Formation from Comaneşti basin (Bacău County).
Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, VII, 315-333. LINK
[11] Chirilă G., Ţabără D., 2010. Palynofacies and Total Organic Carbon content from Baia borehole (Moldavian Platform). AUI Geologie, LVI, 2 Iasi, 83-93. LINK
[12] Chirilă G., Ţabără D., 2010. Palynological study of the volhynian deposits from Ciofoaia brook (Moldavian Platform) -palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental implications. AUI Geologie, LVI, 2,
25-44. LINK.
[13] Ţabără D. 2010. Palynology, palynofacies and thermal maturation of the kerogen from the Moldavidian Domain (Gura Humorului area). AUI Geologie
, LVI, 2, 53 - 73. LINK.
[14] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., 2009. The Şcheia – Iasi, natural reservation: a reference area for upper Bessarabian fauna and flora from the Moldavian Platform. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia, Special Issue, MAEGS –16, 65-67, ISSN 1221-0803. LINK .
[15] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., Paraschiv V., 2009. Sarmatian macro- and microflora from Stan Hill Bozieni (Moldavian Plaform). AUI Geologie, LV, 2,, 19-37, ISSN: 1223-5342. LINK
[16] Chirilă G., Ţabără D., 2008. Paleofloristic study of the Volhynian from Râşca (Moldavian Platform) –Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental implications. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, VI, 29-42, ISSN: 1842-371X. LINK
[17] Ţabără D., Florea F. 2008. Palaeofloristic study of Volhynian from Pârteştii de Sus. AUI Geologie, LIII (2007), 137 - 148. LINK
[18] Olaru L., Brânzilă M., Ţabără D. 2006. Geological and palynological contribution to the Silurian from the north of Moldavian Platform. AUI Geologie, LII, 67 - 84.  LINK.
[19] Ţabără D. 2006. Contributions to the palynological study of Bârnova - Muntele Formation (Moldavian Platform). AUI Geologie, LII, 85 - 96. LINK.
[20] Brânzilă M., Ţabără D. 2005. The palynological content of Lower Basarabian (The clays with Cryptomactra) on the Moldavian Platform. AUI Geologie, XLIX - L (2003-2004), 277 - 291. LINK 
[21] Ţabără D., Olaru L. 2004. Contributions a l`étude palynologique des argiles du Basarabienne supérieur de Şcheia. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. IV, Cluj-Napoca, 485 - 492. LINK.
[22] Ionesi B., Ţabără D. 2004. Faune de mollusques de la Formation de Scheia (Plate-forme Moldave). Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. IV, Cluj-Napoca. LINK.
[23] Ţabără D., Cojocaru M. 2002. Sur la presence d`Aceratherium dans la Formation de Şcheia. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, vol. III, Iaşi, 453 - 457. LINK.

Publications in abstracts
[1] Ţabără D., Chelariu C. 2024. Kerogen evaluation and palynology of Upper Cretaceous and Oligocene deposits in the northern part of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians . MedGU, 25-26 november 2024, Barcelona. LINK
[2] Ţabără D., Balc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Albert G., Botfalvai G., Vasile S., Csiki-Sava Z. 2024. Upper Cretaceous palynofacies and microfossil assemblages from the northwestern Hateg Basin. Geo-Iasi - 2024 Scientific Symposium, Book of abstracts, p. 59 - 61. LINK
[3] Ţabără D., Chelariu C. 2024. Potentialul rocilor sursa al depozitelor Cretacic superioare din Flisul Extern Carpatic (geochimie organic si palinofacies). Geo-Iasi - 2024 Scientific Symposium, Book of abstracts, p. 57 - 58. LINK
[4] Ţabără D., Chelariu C., Slimani H., Csiki-Sava Z., Fabianska M., Misz-Kennan M. 2023. Palynostratigraphy and evaluation of hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Upper Cretaceous Hangu Formation (Eastern Carpathians). MedGU 2023, Istanbul, presentation no. 329. LINK  
[5] Ţabără D., & Csiki-Sava, Z. 2023. Palynostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental investigations of the Maastrichtian from Oarda de Jos (southwestern Transylvanian Basin). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucharest, p. 124-125. LINK
[6] Ţabără D., Chelariu, C. & Slimani, H. 2023. The earliest record of Poaceae (monocots, bamboo pollen) in the Upper Cretaceous of Eastern Carpathians. The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucharest, p. 126-127. LINK
[7] Balc, R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Gabor, G., Kovecsi, S.-A., Ţabără D., Bedelean, H., Silye, L., Csiki-Sava, Z. & Ducea, M. 2023. Revisiting and updating the biochronology and palaeoenvironmental interpretations of the Bozes Formation deposits from the south-eastern part of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucharest, p. 22-23. LINK
[8] Csiki-Sava, Z., Ţabără D., Balc, R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Botfalvai, G., Albert, G. & Vasile, . 2023. New biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental constraints in the uppermost Cretaceous deposits from the Ciula Mica (Geat Valley) - west Valioara area, northwestern Hateg Basin (Romania). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucharest, p. 43-44. LINK
[9] Csiki-Sava, Z., Balc, R., Ducea, M., Ţabără D., & Vasile, . 2023 A new, long view on an old mammalian island radiation - updating the history of kogaionid multituberculates. The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Bucharest, p. 39-40. LINK
[10] H aiduc B.S., Torcarescu B.-A., Vasile S., Crespo V.D., Ţabără D., Loghin S. 2023 New insights into the age of the fossil vertebrate site from Stauceni (Moldavian Platform, Northeastern Romania). 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP), Barcelona, Spania, p. 117-118. LINK
[11] Ţabără D., Chelariu, C., Slimani, H., Balc, R., Fabianska, M.J., Misz-Kennan, M., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Chelariu, M. 2022. Integrated biostratigraphy, organic geochemistry and thermal maturity assessment of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, p. 46 LINK
[12] Haiduc, B.S., Torcărescu, B.A., Vasile, S., Crespo, V.D., Ţabără D., Loghin, S. 2022. The fossil vertebrate site of Stăuceni (Moldavian Platform, northeastern Romania) - new data on age and depositional setting. XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, p. 60 LINK
[13] Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R.,   Kövecsi S.A., Ducea M., Vremir M., Csiki-Sava Z., Ţabără D., Vasile S. 2022. Integrated biostratigraphy of upper Cretaceous deposits in an exceptional continental vertebrate-bearing marine section (Transylvanian Basin, Romania). 11th International Cretaceous Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, p. 119-120.  LINK
[14] Vasile S., Csiki-Sava Z., Vremir M., Ţabără D., Balc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Kovecsi S.A. 2022. The late Campanian microvertebrate assemblage from Petresti (Transylvanian Basin, Romania), a new window into the evolution of european cretaceous insular faunas. XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, p. 214 - 215. LINK

[15] Ţabără D., Vasile, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., Balc, R., Vremir, M. & Chelariu, M. 2021. Palynological and organic geochemical analyses of the Upper Cretaceous Bozes Formation at Petresti (southwestern Transylvanian Basin) - palaeoenvironmental implications. Thirteenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Iasi, 16-17 September 2021, Abstract book, p. 47 - 48.
[16] Balc, R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Kovecsi, S-A., Vremir, M., Csiki-Sava, Z., Ţabără D., Vasile, S. 2021. Micropaleontological investigation of an Upper Cretaceous section from Petresti locality (Transylvanian Basin, Romania). Thirteenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Iasi, 16-17 September 2021, Abstract book, p. 8 - 9. LINK

[17] Csiki-Sava, Z., Botfalvai, G., Magyar, J., Ţabără D., Albert, G., Makadi, L., Kocsis, L. & Bodor, E.- R. 2021. Of Mice and Men, Maps and Magyarosaurs - rediscovery and significance of Kadic's forgotten dinosaur localities in the western Hateg Basin. Thirteenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Iasi, 16-17 September 2021, Abstract book, p. 14 - 15. LINK
Vasile, S., Csiki-Sava, Z., Vremir M., Norell, M.A., Totoianu, R., Brusatte, S.L., Balc, R. & Ţabără D. 2021. New data on the Late Cretaceous microvertebrate assemblage from Petresti-Arini (SW Transylvanian Basin, Romania). Thirteenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Iasi, 16-17 September 2021, Abstract book, p. 51 - 52. LINK
[19] Csiki-Sava, Z. Botfalvai, G., Makádi, L., Albert, G., Magyar, J., Kocsis, L., Ţabără D., Bodor, E.R. 2021. The "treasure map" - hunting for fossil sites, dinosaurs and ancient mammals in the western corner of the Hateg Basin. 22nd Conference on Mining, Metallurgy and Geology , Cluj-Napoca, 7-8 may. LINK
[20] Ţabără D., Tudor, E. & Chelariu, C. 2019. Palynology and palynofacies of Devonian - Carboniferous deposits from the Eastern part of the Moesian Platform (Romania). Twelfth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Cluj-Napoca, 19-21 September 2019, Abstract book, p. 92 - 93. LINK
[21] Ţabără D., 2017. Dinocyst stratigraphy and palynofacies of Oligocene sequences in the northern Eastern Carpathians. Eleventh Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Abstract book, p. 114-115. LINK     
[22] Ţabără D., Slimani H. 2015. Dinoflagellate cysts and palynofacies across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary from the Vrancea Nappe (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Tenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Abstract book, p. 107-108. 
[23] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2013. New data regarding the Volhynian deposits from Preutesti-Basarabi-Arghira area (Moldavian Platform): A palynological approach. Ninth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Abstract book, p. 24-25. LINK  
[24] Iamandei S., Brânzilă M., Ţabără D. 2013. New petrified wood from AICU Collection. Ninth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Abstract book, p. 50.
[25] Ţabără D., Olaru L., Chirilă G. 2013. New data about the Palaeozoic formations from Moldavian Platform and South Dobrogea. Ninth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Abstract book, p. 83-84.
[26] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2011. Palaeoclimatic estimation from Miocene of Romania, based on palynological data. Anuarul Institutului Geologic al Romaniei nr. 77, Special Issue, ISSN 0250-2933, pag. 34. LINK
[27] Ţabără D., Popescu L. 2011. Palynology and palynofacies of Gura Şoimului Formation from Bistriţa-Râşca Half-window. Eighth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, Bucharest, Abstract Book, 121-122. LINK .
[28] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2010. Palynofacies and Total Organic Carbon content from the Baia borehole (Moldavian Platform). Proceedings of the International Symposium Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi 2010, 1 - 4 septembrie, Iasi, Romania, p. 100 - 103. LINK
[29] Olaru L., Ţabără D., Chihaia M. 2010, Palynology, palynofacies and Total Organic Carbon from Silurian deposits of the Dnestr Basin (Podolia, Ukraina). Proceedings of the International Symposium Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iaşi 2010, 1 - 4 septembrie, Iaşi, Romania, p. 120 - 127. LINK .
[30] Iamandei E., Iamandei S., Brânzilă M., Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2010. Fossil woods in AICU Geological Museum's collection. Proceedings of the International Symposium Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iaşi 2010, 1 - 4 septembrie, Iaşi, Romania, p. 110 - 112. LINK .
[31] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2009. Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation for the Sarmatian deposits of Şupanu Formation from Comăneşti Basin (Bacău County
). Seventh Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca, abstract book, p. 111 - 112.

International Conference presentation
[1] Ţabără D., Chelariu C., Slimani H., Csiki-Sava Z., Fabianska M., Misz-Kennan M. 2023. Palynostratigraphy and evaluation of hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Upper Cretaceous Hangu Formation (Eastern Carpathians). MedGU 2023, Istanbul, 27 - 30 November 2023. LINK
[2] Ţabără D., & Csiki-Sava, Z. 2023. Palynostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental investigations of the Maastrichtian from Oarda de Jos (southwestern Transylvanian Basin). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, September 14-15, Bucharest. LINK
[3] Ţabără D., Chelariu, C. & Slimani, H. 2023. The earliest record of Poaceae (monocots, bamboo pollen) in the Upper Cretaceous of Eastern Carpathians. The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, September 14-15, Bucharest. LINK 
[4] Balc, R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Gabor, G., Kovecsi, S.-A., Ţabără D., Bedelean, H., Silye, L., Csiki-Sava, Z. & Ducea, M. 2023. Revisiting and updating the biochronology and palaeoenvironmental interpretations of the Bozes Formation deposits from the south-eastern part of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, September 14-15, Bucharest. LINK 
[5] Csiki-Sava, Z., Ţabără D., Balc, R., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Botfalvai, G., Albert, G. & Vasile, 2023. New biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental constraints in the uppermost Cretaceous deposits from the Ciula Mica (Geat Valley) - west Valioara area, northwestern Hateg Basin (Romania). The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, September 14-15, Bucharest. LINK 
Csiki-Sava, Z., Balc, R., Ducea, M., Ţabără D., & Vasile, . 2023 A new, long view on an old mammalian island radiation - updating the history of kogaionid multituberculates. The 14th Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, September 14-15, Bucharest. LINK  
[7] Ţabără D.., Chelariu, C., Slimani, H., Balc, R., Fabianska, M.J., Misz-Kennan, M., Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Chelariu, M. 2022. Integrated biostratigraphy, organic geochemistry and thermal maturity assessment of Upper Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7 - 11 september LINK
[8] Haiduc, B.S., Torcărescu, B.A., Vasile, S., Crespo, V.D., Ţabără D., Loghin, S. 2022. The fossil vertebrate site of Stăuceni (Moldavian Platform, northeastern Romania) - new data on age and depositional setting. XXII International Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7 - 11 September
[9] Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R.,   Kövecsi S.A., Ducea M., Vremir M., Csiki-Sava Z., Ţabără D., Vasile S. 2022. Integrated biostratigraphy of upper Cretaceous deposits in an exceptional continental vertebrate-bearing marine section (Transylvanian Basin, Romania). 11th International Cretaceous Symposium, Warsaw, Poland, 22-26 august, LINK

[10] Vasile S., Csiki-Sava Z., Vremir M., Ţabără D., Balc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Kovecsi S.A. 2022. The late Campanian microvertebrate assemblage from Petresti (Transylvanian Basin, Romania), a new window into the evolution of european cretaceous insular faunas. XIX Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Benevento/Pietraroja, Italy, 27 June-2 July 2022 . LINK
[11] Botfalvai G., Csiki-Sava Z., Kocsis L., Makadi L., Albert G., Magyar J., Bodor E.R., Ţabără D., 2021. Sedimentological, geochemical and palaeontological investigations of Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) vertebrate fossil localities from the Valioara Valley (Densus-Ciula Formation, Hateg Basin, Romania). XVIII Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, p. 42-43, 5 - 9 July 2021. LINK
[12] Anastasiu N., Brânzilă M., Seghedi A., Ţabără D., 2014. Shale Gas Potential of the Romanian Platform Units. FOREN 2014 - The 12th WEC Central & Eastern Europe Regional Energy Forum, 22-26 june, Bucharest (
[13] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2011. Palaeoclimatic estimation from Miocene of Romania, based on palynological data. 12th Annual NECLIME Meeting, 27th -30th September, Bucharest. LINK
[14] Olaru L., Ţabără D., Chihaia M. 2010, Palynology, palynofacies and Total Organic Carbon from Silurian deposits of the Dnestr Basin (Podolia, Ukraina). International Symposium on Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi, September 1-4, 2010, Romania. LINK  
[15] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2010. Palynological study of the outcrop from Ciofoaia brook (Moldavian Platform) - palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental implications. International Symposium on Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi, September 1-4, 2010, Romania.
[16] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2010. Palynofacies And Total Organic Carbon Content From Baia Borehole (Moldavian Platform). International Symposium on Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi, September 1-4, 2010, Romania.
[17] Iamandei E., Iamandei S., Brânzilă M., Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2010. Fossil woods in UAIC Geological Museum collection. International Symposium on Geology of Natural Systems - Geo Iasi, September 1-4, 2010, Romania.

National Conference presentation
[1] Ţabără D., Balc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Albert G., Botfalvai G., Vasile S., Csiki-Sava Z. 2024. Upper Cretaceous palynofacies and microfossil assemblages from the northwestern Hateg Basin. Geo-Iasi - 2024 Scientific Symposium, Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, 25 - 27 october 2024.
[2] Ţabără D., Chelariu C., Slimani H. 2023. Palaeogeographical and paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the Late Cretaceous in the northern Eastern Carpathians. Simpozionul Grigore Cobalcescu, editia LXII, 28 octombrie 2023, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza Iasi.
[3] Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Kovecsi S.A., Ţabără D., Gabor G., Csiki-Sava Z. 2023. Analiza distributiei nannoplanctonului calcaros cretacic superior in depozitele marine din Bazinul Hateg, Romania. Simpozionul Grigore Cobalcescu, editia LXII, 28 octombrie 2023, Universitatea Al. I. Cuza Iasi.
[4] Bălc R., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Kovecsi S.A., Ţabără D., Gabor G., Csiki-Sava Z. 2023. A story told by microfossil assemblages - the age and paleoecological conditions of Campanian marine deposits from Hateg Basin (Romania). Sesiunea anuala de comunicari stiintifice I.P. Voitesti, decembrie 2023, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca
[5] Bindiu-Haitonic, R., Balc, R., Kovecsi, S. A., Cojocaru, D., Mazareanu, P., Gabor, G., Ţabără D., Filipescu, S., 2022. Time and space in Eastern Carpathians revealed by foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton. Sesiunea stiintifica anuala I. P. Voitesti, ed. 2022, 9 decembrie, Cluj-Napoca.
[6] Ţabără D., Chelariu C., Bindiu-Haitonic R., Balc R., Chelariu M., 2022. Asociatii de microfosile si paleomediul Cretacicului superior din flisul extern carpatic. Simpozionul Stiintific "Grigore Cobalcescu", editia LXI, Iasi, 29 octombrie.
[7] Chelariu C., Lupu A., Ţabără D., Fabianska M.J., Misz-Kennan M., 2022. Caracterizarea Silurianului din Platforma Moldoveneasca pe baza datelor de geochimie si petrografie organica. Simpozionul Stiintific "Grigore Cobalcescu", editia LXI, Iasi, 29 octombrie.
[8] Lupu A., Chelariu C., Fabianska M.J., Misz-Kennan M., Ţabără D., 2022. Geochimia organica a unor roci paleozoice din Platforma Moldoveneasca. Simpozionul Stiintific "Mircea Savul", Iasi, 29 octombrie.
[9] Ţabără D., Csiki-Sava Z. 2021. Monocotiledonate din Cretacicul superior al Bazinului Haţeg. Simpozionul Stiintific "Grigore Cobalcescu", editia LX, Iasi, 30 octombrie.
[10] Ţabără D., Seserman A. 2020. Hieroglife în depozite cretacice din Cheile Tişiţei (Semifereastra Vrancea). Simpozionul Stiintific "Grigore Cobalcescu", Iasi, 31 octombrie.
[11] Slimani H., Ţabără D. 2016. Pentadinium darmirae - a new dinoflagellate species from the early Paleocene of the northern Moldavidian Basin (Eastern Carpathians). Comunicare Simpozionul National "G. Cobălcescu", Iasi, 29 oct. 2016.
[12] Ţabără D., Mare Silvia, Ionesi V., Slimani H. 2015. The Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary from Varnita section (Tarcău Nappe) - An approach by palynology and micropaleontology. Comunicare Simpozionul National "G. Cobălcescu", Iasi, 24 oct. 2015.
[13] Ţabără D., Cărămidaru I. G., Dumitriu S. D., Ionesi V. 2014. Dinoflagelate din Sarmatianul inferior de la Costesti (Republica Moldova). Comunicare Simpozionul National "G. Cobălcescu", Iasi, 25 oct. 2014.
[14] Anastasiu N., Brânzilă M., Seghedi A., Ţabără D. 2013. Sedimentary formations in the Carpathian foreland shale gas potential. Conferinta Natională a Societătii Geologice a României, 18 decembrie 2013, Ploiesti.
[15] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2013. New data regarding the Volhynian deposits from Preutesti-Basarabi-Arghira area (Moldavian Platform): A palynological approach. Ninth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, 25-26 october 2013, Iasi.

[16] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2012. Palynology, palynofacies and organic geochemistry of the kerogen from Moldavidian Domain (Eastern Carpathians). National Symposium Grigore Cobâlcescu, Iasi, 27 october 2012.
Olaru L., Ţabără D. 2010. Lithological and Palynostratigraphical correlations between Silurian Deposits from the Dnestr Basin (Podolia) and the North of the Moldavian Platform (Romania). National Symposium Grigore Cobâlcescu, Iasi, 30 october 2010.  
[18] Ionesi V., Florea F., Ţabără D., Chirilă G., Roman N. 2009. Molari de Mammuthus gasiti în depozite de terasa din Moldova. Simpozionul National Grigore Cobâlcescu, Iasi, 31 octombrie 2009.  
[19] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2009. Palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation for the Sarmatian deposits of Supanu Formation from Comanesti Basin (Bacau County). Seventh Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Cluj-Napoca, 22-24 october 2009.
[20] Ţabără D., Chirilă G. 2009. The Scheia –Iasi, natural reservation: a reference area for upper Bessarabian fauna and flora from the Moldavian Platform. MAEGS-16, 9-13 july 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
[21] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., Paraschiv V. 2008. Paleoclimatic estimation of the MAT (Mean anual temperature) and MAP (mean annual precipitation) from the Miocene from Romania based on palynologic study. National Symposium Grigore Cobâlcescu, Iasi, 25 –26 october 2008.
[22] Ţabără D., Chirilă G., 2008. Sarmatian macro- and microflora from Stan Hill –Bozieni (Moldavian Plaform). National Symposium Grigore Cobâlcescu, Iasi, 25 –26 october 2008.
[23] Chirilă G., Ţabără D. 2007. Paleofloristic study of the Volhynian from Tiganca River (Moldavian Platform) –Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental implications. Sixth Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Iasi, September 2007.
[24] Vieru F., Ţabără D., Ionesi V. 2007. Notă preliminară privind fauna de mamifere cuaternare de la Stoişeşti (Jud. Vaslui). Sixth Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology, Iasi, September 2007.
