The aim of this paper is to test if there is any geochemical link between textural and geochemical aspects of the granitoid rocks.
The abundances of major components illustrate the presence of significant differences between massive varieties and gneissic varieties of granitoids, especially regarding the content of elements that are normally included in the mafic minerals (TiO2, FeO, MgO, CaO, P2O5).
The correlations between these elements are strongly positive, indicating that biotite, the main mafic mineral in the intrusion, together with apatite and calcic plagioclase, play an important role in their distribution.
The bivariate diagrams show that the extremes of the composition could be discriminated, the felsic varieties and the mafic varieties being plotted in the opposite corners.
Cluster analysis indicated the presence of two subzones within each of the massive and gneissic varieties. The resulting four subzones could also be separated bases on the
TiO2+FeO+MgO+CaO+P2O5 sum, which is different for each of them.
Areal distribution of the data suggests a gradual transition from mafic to felsic types, but a reverse crystallization that could be attained taking into account either one batch of melt or two batches of melt.