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Integrated interpretation of geophysical data in the South – Iaşi area

Dan Bogdan Hanu - “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Department of Geology, 20A Carol I Blv, 700505 Iaşi, Romania, Department of Geology

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The limitations affecting the geological interpretation of geophysical data derived from measurements made using three methods relate mainly to the incompleteness of geological and drilling information, the volume and quality thereof, which is precarious in the region covered by this study, but also to the partial lack of confirmation of magnetometric results in the other geophysical maps available (gravimetric and telluric currents). These simple findings lead to the idea that the nature of these limitations is rather extrinsic than related to the potentiality of the magnetometric method. Obviously, in this context, this paper cannot propose reconsiderations and structural revisions of the previous opinions on this geological unit.


magnetic anomalies, gravimetric anomalies, intrusive granite bodies, crystalline, basement, tectonic alignment, petrophysical parameters, density, magnetic susceptibility

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