First report of the genus Euciphoceras (Nautiloidea, Mollusca) from the latest Eocene rocks of the North-western Thrace Basin (Bulgaria)
Paul Țibuleac - “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Department of Geology, 20A Carol I Blv, 700505 Iaşi, Romania, Department of Geology George Ajdanlijsky - “St. Ivan Rilski” University, Department of Geology and Geoinformatics, Student Town, “Prof. Boyan Kamenov” Str., Sofia, 1700, Bulgaria
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The unique nautiloid specimen recorded so far from the latest Eocene marl bed of Durhana Quarry (DQ), Haskovo County (North-western Thrace Basin, Bulgaria) is described and discussed herein. It represents a phragmocone mould collected from the bench of level 103 of DQ. In the outcrop, one lateral side was exposed to the weathering process and the other was embedded in the rocks of the so-called “Tuff-Limestone Package” Member (“First Acidic Volcanic” Formation). The host-beds were previously documented as latest Eocene by a larger foraminifer and echinoid assemblage.
The specimen belongs to the genus Euciphoceras Shultz, 1976. The attempt to assign a species name failed because the nautiloid has been compressed and slightly deformed by the diagenetic processes within the host-rocks.
The general overview of the Eocene nautiloid records from the surrounding areas suggests a continuity of the same genera from Western Europe to South-central Asia (Tethyan Realm).
Durhana, phragmocone, Priabonian, paleogeographical overview