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The VIth National Symposium of The Romanian Society of Palaeontologists

M. Brânzilă - “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, Department of Geology

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The VIth National Symposium of the Romanian Society of Palaeontologists took place in Iaşi, hosted by the Department of Geology-Palaeontology from the Faculty of Geograpy and Geology, University “Al.I. Cuza”, and organized by the Romanian Society of Palaleontologists (RSP), as proof of appreciation for the palaeontological scientific activity proceeded by the Iaşi researchers, as part of the oldest specific department from the country.
The Symposium had an organizational committee of 31 members, mainly from universities with geological activity, such as Bucureşti, Iaşi, Cluj-Napoca, the National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology, and, also, the Romanian Academy. The major organizational obligations belonged to the members of the committee from “AL.I. Cuza” University, the Department of Geology-Palaeontology: PhD, Prof. L. Olaru (executive president), PhD, Prof. M. Brânzilă (vicepresident), PhD, Lecturer P. Ţibuleac (general secretary), PhD, Lecturer D. Ţabără, PhD, Lecturer V. Ionesi (secretaries).
94 researchers joined for the Symposium from the country, coming from different prestigious universities, research institutes, museums and commercial societies, as well from aboard, such as the Palaeobiology Institute of the Scientific Academy of Warshaw, the Earth Sciences Department of London University, the Geology and Palaeontoogy Department of Comenius University from Bratislava, the Zoology Institute of the Scientific Academy from Sankt Petersburg, the Tiraspol University from Kishinev etc.
The scientific objective of the Symposium was reviewing the scientific activity of the RSP members, during 2005-2007, as well as outlining it on specific research directions.
The Symposium proceedings incuded two major stages:
- the scientific communications (September, 21st – 23rd);
- the practical field application (September, 23rd – 25th).
The scientific communications started with a plenum session, followed by four communication sections and one section for the posters:
- the Palynology and Palaeobotany section;
- the Micropalaeontology section;
- the Invertebrate Palaeontology section;
- the Vertebrate Palaeontology section.
The field practical application took place after the symposium and aimed at the different outcrops from the Carpathian Foreland area, followed by the Moldavides and Dacides areas.
The next symposium of the Romanian Society pf Palaeontologists (the VIIth) was decided to take place at Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca.

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