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Presence of the genus Choerolophodon (Proboscidea: Mammalia) within the Moldavian Platform framework (Eastern Carpathians Foreland, Romania)

Paul Țibuleac - “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geology, 20A Carol I Blv., 700505 Iaşi, Romania, Department of Geology

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The reassignment of a mandible fragment bearing an m3 and also a left upper tusk previously described as “Mastodon (Tetralophodon) grandicissivum” to Choerolophodon cf. anatolicus is the leading goal of the paper. The records were collected from Khersonian rocks which crop out on the interfluve between Ulucilor/Ulucelor and Topu valleys (Tanacu village, Vaslui District). Several biostratigraphical details have been up-dated for this area, which is confined with the Moldavian Platform (Eastern Carpathians Foreland). Tanacu records become thereby the first occurrence of Choerolophodon cf. anatolicus in Romania, highlighting its spreading in the more northern areas in comparison to the previous specimens of the Mediterranean Land Realm (Turkey and Greece). The morphological and biometrical details of these teeth also improve the known data about this stunning proboscidean species.


m3, mandible fragment, tusk, reassignment, Tanacu-Vaslui, Sarmatian/Vallesian

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