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Badenian gastropods from the collections of the Mureş County Museum

Mirela Violetta Popa - Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Geology
Anca Duma - Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Department of Geology
Angela Săplăcan - Mureş County Museum

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The present paper focuses on the systematic presentation of the gastropods from the collections of Lăpugiu de Sus and Nemeşeşti (Făget Basin) located in the Mureş County Museum. The large diversity of the species characterized the mollusc fauna from the famous occurrences of the Făget Basin (Lăpugiu de Sus, Nemeşeşti, Coştei). The assemblage from Lăpugiu de Sus represents one of the richest European Badenian fossil fauna. The collected gastropods (190 specimens) have been determined, systematically arranged and illustrated. The 54 species recorded belong to 20 families (Neritopsidae, Cerithiidae, Turritellidae, Cypraeidae, Pediculariidae, Ficidae, Naticidae, Aporrhaidae, Tonnidae, Buccinidae, Columbellidae, Fasciolariidae, Nassariidae, Muricidae, Mitridae, Volutidae, Olividae, Conidae, Terebridae and Turridae).


gastropods, taxonomy, Badenian, Lăpugiu de Sus, Nemeşeşti, Romania

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