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New records of Norian coiled nautiloids from the Timon Klippe (Rarău Syncline, Eastern Carpathians, Romania)

Paul Ţibuleac - “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geology, 20A Carol I Blv., 700505 Iaşi, Romania

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Nautiloids were cosmopolitan species during the Mesozoic, being well-known from the worldwide realms. They could often be found togheter with the ammonites in the same beds, but the nautiloid fauna is much scarcer in the taxonomic diversification and frequency of records than the ammonites have been documented. Given this general background, on the one hand, and its diversity and particular records, on the other, the Timon Klippe could be regarded as important instance of Late Triassic nautiloids in the Eastern Carpathians. The present paper adds new coiled nautiloid records (Grypoceras sp. ?G. mesodicum HYATT, 1883), Syriongonautilus sp. (one of the latest occurrences of this genus), Syringoceras sp., Paranautilus simonyi (HAUER, 1849), and Proclydonautilus sp. (specimen with intermediate features between several Proclydonautilus species to the previously-known fauna.


Late Triassic, coiled nautiloids, previous and new records

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